What is new chances for KUIEC members can get?

The 3rd meet up of the Kyoto University International Entrepreneurs Club was also the last meet up for the year 2019. It wasindeed a successful year for our community as we have now grown to have 128 members from —- countries and diverse majors.

In the last meet up, we were able to bring Yokayama Dai, arepresentative of NO Limit, a company that has helped many foreign studentsfind job and internship opportunities in Japan. We started off the event withYokoyama explaining to us the job market for foreigners in Japan. He laterexplained how foreign students could secure jobs through their website and thecurrent vacancies.

Next up Mr. Sarata spoke about the famous JBMC (JapanBusiness Model Competition), which is the first lean start-up and the largestbusiness model competition in the world. He further gave information about theupcoming Kansai JBMC event.

I’m also delighted to announce that KUIEC will be having itsfirst-ever Hackathon in May 2020. Snur Hamid, the chief organizer of thisevent along with Kana Akagi have already secured an awesome venue for theevent, sponsors and a unique team who are working hard to bring this dream to areality. We all are very excited to see this grand event unfolding in March. Wewill share more details as the work progresses.

Finally, a few more internship opportunities were introducedby the company Q&Q. The event ended with all the members networking with eachother while munching some snacks.

We are looking forward to hosting the 4th meet up in April 2020.

Report by Harini