Google for Startups

8th Meet-up:
Google for Startups
Date: March 17, 2021.

Our team first met Miss Iwasawa, Manager at Google for Startups Japan, a couple of months ago in the newly built and awesome “Question” building in Kyoto. She came all the way to Kyoto from Tokyo and it was an absolutly great honour for the team to see her in person. The whole team was so amazed by her and hence we decided to invite her again to our 8th KUIEC meetup to speak to us about Google for Startups and how it can help the Kyoto University Entrepreneurial student body.

She explained about how one can be a member of the Google for Startups Tokyo campus and all the benefits members can get. She also briefed about how Google envisions to help the startup ecosystem of Japan and about their special interest in Kyoto.

Although we weren’t allowed to record the session to share with you guys, we can give you a tool of Google she shared to make things a little easier.

The Market Finder: A free tool to identify new potential markets, discover helpful operational information and start selling to customers at home and around the world.

See you next time!

Dream big ya’ll.