For the Job seekers out there!

6th Meet-up:
For the Job seekers out there!
Date: November 20, 2020.

As you know KUIEC not only helps you with entrepreneurial activities but also with the job-hunting process. While it is harder to secure a full-time job in Japan for a foreigner without having full proficiency in Japanese, it is not impossible. One of the main reasons that contributed to the founding of KUIEC is the lack of guidance available in English for International students. Kyoto University does have an entire office unit called the Career Support Office near the clock tower, but unfortunately, it doesn’t help the international students much because of the language barrier.

So, KUIEC decided to bring in Miki Uchida, founder & CEO at Uprithm (HR Consulting, On-Boarding Start-up) & Jobooza (Recruitment Services), Vice-President Business Development at TheXFuture and Mentor at Garage+ (Taiwan). She has mediated and consulted on over 5,000 technology transactions. Miki is also extremely good at bridging international businesses with Japan.

For someone who has listened to so many who give away job hunting tips, I found Miki’s session unique and meaningful. First, she touched upon the job market in Japan and showed us clearly the demand and supply statistics and then explained how International students of Kyoto University can leverage their current skills. Finally, she gave away some great tips on making the perfect resume to impress Japanese employers.

If you would like to connect to Miki Uchida, find her on LinkedIn and introduce yourself! She loves helping international students.

Alright, see you next time!